The Deep Geek Podcast

Well friends - it’s been a long journey towards releasing this podcast.🤪 Hahah longer than expected! 🙄 I’ve been working on it behind the scenes for almost a year and finally we’re getting there. 🤦🏻‍♀️ And yes, I do mean “WE” as I have had a lot of help and support with the production of this podcast.

Justin: Your heart is one that is full of service. It’s one of your greatest strengths - remember that always.🐒Thank you for encouraging me to do this, for literally holding my hand through this…ahahah and even dragging me forward in moments. 😆 A single episode wouldn’t exist without your help and support. You’re a true friend…inside out, and upside down.

Aaron + McKenna: Thank you both for pushing me over the finish line!!! Not just the technical side of things, but what truly motivated me was the quality of presence and care both of you recently offered me. That’s the support I really cherish. (PS: You guys always make my job sooooo easy!)

Adam: You might have thought I’ve forgotten but no no no…thank you for correcting me that night I told you I was a geek, and you called me a “DEEP Geek.” You were spot on! Thank you for seeing me so clearly.

One thing I have learned over the four books I’ve written, is that when you create an offering from the very depths of your heart, the whole process is actually more of an inner journey than an outer. With each book I wrote, it had less to do with what was being written on the page and more to do with becoming the author that would eventually write that specific book. And sometimes that takes time!

The same is true for this podcast. It took some time to launch the episodes, not because they weren’t ready to go, but because I wasn’t ready to go. But guess what baby?! I’m ready!!!

So here we go guys…kick back, relax, take a deep breath and prepare to dive deep with me each week as we geek out on the path of Yoga, the philosophical teachings of the masters, and the journey of opening our innermost hearts.

The Deep Geek Podcast is a place where Lex offers a contemporary approach to awakened living.

Lex isn’t just any old geek. As a spiritual teacher and author, Lex geeks out on the DEEP philosophical teachings that pertain to our psychological wellbeing, the fulfillment of our hearts, and ultimately, enlightenment. She discusses the "old skool" teachings in a way that weaves easily into one’s modern day life. Listeners receive a well-balanced, inspired dose of insight and wisdom to support their own paths of awakening and self-realization.

Dive deep with Lex each week and geek out on eastern philosophy, the path of yoga and other relevant spiritual teachings.
